Kenjeran Beach

Kenjeran Beach is only 14 kms away from Zest Hotel Jemursari, Surabaya and can be reach by driving along Jalan Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno for about 40 minutes or more, depends on the current traffic.

Kenjeran Beach operational hours:
Opens daily for 24 hours

Kenjeran Beach entrance ticket price*:
IDR 15,000 per person
Motorcycle IDR 8,000
Car IDR 10,000

Kenjeran Beach is a famous beach in Surabaya that must visited! This beach is nearby Suramadu Bridge and one of a favorite tourist destination in Surabaya.

In here you can enjoy the sea panorama and also the beautiful sunsets. Sometimes, on the weekend there are attractive competition such as, drag race in Kenpark circuit, horse racing, barongsay, kites competition and many more.

Kenjeran Beach is completed with many facilities, like swimming pool, horse racing, fishing pond, temple, souvenir shops, food court, and boat rental. You can choose to enjoy the beach by walking on the sand or to take a boat tour.

*Prices are subject to change

Kenjeran Beach
Zest Jemursari, SurabayaKenjeran Beach
Zest Jemursari, SurabayaKenjeran Beach
Zest Jemursari, Surabaya